sakit dalam sihat. . .

hellow all. . .
actually aku tak sihat sangat hari nie..sihat sihat sakit je.*erk.ade ke camtu?ahh.lantak la kan*Photobucket

pagi tadi aku g temankan bestfriend aku pegi gunting rambut.
ala.bestfriend aku Ziera la.

dia mintak aku temankan dia pegi gunting rambut.
so aku sebagai bestfriend yang menghargai persahabatan aku dengan dia, aku pun setuju temankan dia walaupun family aku tak suka aku kawan dengan dia..Photobucket

nak wat cane.aku sayangkan sangat persahabatan aku ngan dia..aku dah kawan ngan dia lebih kurang 9 tahun tau.kami dah kongsi banyak perkara.
kami kongsi rahsia bersama.kongsi suka dan duka bersama.

peduli ape orang nak cakap tentang dia.!aku tetap sayang kan dia.aku lebih kenal dirinya berbanding korang yang duk mengata dia.korang yang tak kenal hati budi dia je yang dok kutuk dia..whatever it is aku tetap sayang kan dia sangat sangat.*opss.aku bukan lesbian oke.dia BFF aku*

dia amek aku dalam jam 10 pagi gitu.
pastu kami ronda ronda sekitar bandar mukah..pastu dia kate nak kami pun g la cafe kegemaran kami.Old Town Cafe.dah lame gak la kami tak lepak kat situ.dulu selalu gak la lepak kat situ.

Ziera order icy cream chocolate milk dan nasi goreng pataya.aku pulak order icy cream chocolate milk dan sotong goreng je..

dah order and pay bill.kami g la amek tempat duduk.aku ngan Ziera amek tempat duduk kat tingkat atas sebab lebih selesa.sebab tak ramai sangat orang kat tingkat atas.

dah duduk tue.tetiba Ziera tanye.muka aku pucat sangat.dia tanye aku sakit ke.alaa.aku jawab je la aku tak cukup tido kot.memang la aku agak mengantuk pagi tadi coz tido lewat kan. Photobucket
takde la sakit sangat pun.tak sedap badan sikit je pun.dah tue aku tak nak dia cite la macam macam.dah lama tak jumpa nie mesti la kami ade banyak benda nak cite bla bla bla la kan..hehe

dalam jam 11 pagi aku ngan ziera pun blah dari situ..huhu.icy cream chocolate milk kali nie manis sangat.tak dapat kami nak abiskan.nasi goreng pataya ziera tinggal sisa je dah..sotong goreng aku lak belum abis agi.tak pe ar.kami belah je. sebab ziera nak gunting rambut.risau pulak kalau lewat balik rumah.

dah selesai ziera sumenye.dia pun hantar aku balik rumah.mane boleh lama sangat kuar rumah.hari nie hari paham paham je la.

sampai rumah aku terus baring.tetiba pening pulak kepala nie.adeh.
tapi aku cuba gak bangun.coz nak tukar baju dulu.dah tukar baju aku sambung la baring.pening kepala nie.bila dah ok sikit aku pun bangun la.

malam nie kepala aku pening balik.adeh.nie nak baring nie.
last last tertidoPhotobucket .
pastu adik aku pulak nyebok bangunkan aku.ceh.menganggu sungguh la.
rupanya nak bagi aku burger.huh.memang dah lame pun aku mengidam nak makan burger nie..haha*mengidam?erk.gurau je.haha..gian nak makan burger je*

kesimpulannye,hari nie aku pening-pening lalat..Photobucket

CONTEST : Money Guess

Tengah syok Mia blogwalking..
tersangkut plak kat blog Nisa Gadis Yang Suka Menaip.  

Dia ade join contest dari Creativeheart .
Nama contest nie ialah money guess..*money money money!!he he he

Contest nie bermula pada..
25 Januari 2011 hingga 15 Februari 2011..
*eh eh..15 Februari birthday my beloved dad lorh..wahhhh..kebetulan kan..^_^

terma & syarat contest? 

Photobucket tengok gambar diatas nie..
gambar nie dah di edit oleh penganjur contest nie..
ye la..mesti la kasi edit camni..
kalau tau, tak guna la buat contest kalau senang-senang je peserta boleh teka.
ye tak?he he
tapi takpe..Mia nak cuba jugak!heh heh
jawapan Mia : RM185.80
*entah betul entah tidak..haha.tak kira Mia nak cuba jugak!!
Mia nak tag Cik Eliza!!
Photobucket Cik Eliza jom join!ngee~

 akhir kata..wish me luck oke.. Photobucket


DANIEL ADIE GIVEAWAY: Diary Motivation 2011 Mia nak join DANIEL ADIE GIVEAWAY !!

Photobucket Cik Eliza yang gorgeous!! coz tag Mia Photobucket ececeh..terharu pulak.hehe

berbalik pada giveaway, Daniel Adie nak kite post entry yang short,simple & creative..

oke la tue..coz Mia pun suka gak simple simple nie..
tapi....Mia tak creative la ek..Photobucket

tak pe la..Mia nak join gak..mane tau tak?hehe
buku tue pun macam menarik je kan..

erm..nak tag sape ek?seriusly memang tak tau nak tag sape nie..Photobucket

oke la..Mia nak tag..

One more thing..
Giveaway nie..
Start: 20 Jan 2011
End: 27 Jan 2011

dat all..Photobucket
wish me luck k ^_^


Hellow hellow hellow...ehem..Mia nak join contest nie..
 Kalau Mia ade rezeki alhamdulillah la menang..huhu..
Kalau tak tak pe la.dah bukan rezeki Mia..hehe
Contest nie anjuran FARZANA FARZANTO
Berikut adalah banner & syarat-syaratnya.. ",)

syarat-syarat penyertaan ::
  1. jadi follower FARZANA FARZANTO.
  2. peserta perempuan digalakkan. kerana hadiah disediakan khas untuk blogger perempuan. kalau lelaki nak masok boleh juga. kalau tak kisah menang baju2 macam kat atas ni. haha (setiap pemenang boleh memilih hadiah or baju mengikut citarasa sendiri di Pelangiwardrobe Hannah. add dulu baru boleh tengok baju2 disana)
  3. ada 3 kategori iaitu blog paling cantik, comel dan kemas. setiap kategori mempunyai 1 pemenang sahaja.
  4. buat 1 entry tentang contest ni.
  5. tag kepada 5 orang rakan blogger anda.
  6. letak banner di side bar blog anda dan link kan terus ke entry ni.
  7. setelah selesai, tinggal kan link entry anda berkenaan dengan contest ni di komen entry ni. saya akan check setiap link yang sudah ditinggalkan.
  8. penyertaan bermula pada 10.1.2011 hingga 10.2.2011.
  9. dalam tempoh sebulan ni mungkin anda boleh gunakan masa ini untuk menghias blog anda.
erm..nak tag kat sape ek??
Mia nak tag..

Rahsia Bulan Kelahiran Cik Mia-Dr Fadzilah Kamsah


  • keras hati dan degil
  • kuat semangat dan bermotivasi tinggi
  • pemikiran tajam
  • mudah marah jika tidak dikawal
  • pandai menarik hati orang lain dan menarik perhatian
  • perasaan yang sangat mendalam
  • cantik dari segi mental dan fizikal
  • tidak perlu dimotivasikan
  • tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain
  • mudah dipujuk
  • bersikap sistematik ( otak kiri )
  • suka berangan
  • kuat daya firasat, memahami apa yang terlintas dihati orang lain
  • mudah diserang penyakit di bahagian telinga dan leher dan lemah sistem pernafasan
  • daya khayalannya tinggi
  • pemikiran yang tajam
  • pandai berdebat
  • fizikal yang baik
  • suka sastera, seni, muzik dan melancong
  • tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah
  • tidak boleh duduk diam
  • tidak punya ramai anak
  • rajin dan bersemangat tinggi
  • agak boros

Perampas Merampas Dirampas..!

Assalamualaikum and hello reader (s).
korang nak tau tak??

Antara perampas dan mangsa perampas, mana agaknya yang malang?
Perampas la yang malang.

Sebab hidup ini ibarat RODA. Suatu hari nanti pasti ada yang merampas dari dia...
Habis tu, si mangsa perampas tak rasa malang ke?
HA HA HA.. taklah.

Kalau lelaki yang dirampas itu ikut saja macam lembu kena tarik hidung, bukan ke tu maknanya lelaki itu pun bukanlah yang terbaik untuk si perempuan tu? She deserves better. This kind of guy is jerk I tell you. Huahuahua

Tapi ingatlah. kalau kita boleh menyakitkan/menghancurkan hidup/mengganggu perhubungan orang lain, tak mustahil orang lain pun boleh buat macam tu kat kita. ye tak??

Tuhan tu maha adil. "setiap perbuatan yang kita lakukan ada pembalasannya" . Tak kira la samada perbuatan baik atau buruk. Ingat tu wahai si perampas !

Sememangnya begitu perit rasanya apabila kekasih hati dirampas orang lain dan dia menjadi lembu kena tarik hidung, mengikut rentak irama sang perampas, maka lelaki itulah yang malang..!

Pesan Cik Mia: si perampas itu sedarlah bahawa jika hari ini anda menjadi PERAMPAS, adakah esok lusa tulat anda selamat dari menjadi mangsa perampas yang lain? Pasti? Tepuk dada tanya iman. Bukankah hidup ini tak selalunya kita di atas?

you'll miss me when i'm gone.

i love knowing that you miss me. it's what motivates me to keep going on with life. 
if i thought you didn't think of me, life wouldn't be worth it anymore.

every thing's falling apart. nothing good ever stays around long. i thought for once, you'd be someone to stick around for a change. but no, look what you did. you broke down another girl who couldn't afford another tear in her heart.


high school changes people so much. you find the sweet ones are total bitches, the prude ones are the new sluts, the albino ones had some fun rolling around in nacho cheese, and the lost ones are the ones that spend their live being high.

it's easier to quit, then work your ass off on something. so, i just give up on you.

if you don't want to hurt me, then why are you still doing it? you're so fucking confusing, but at the same time, i understand you.

i'm sorry for being nice and honest, for never hurting you. for always being there for you, and relating to your problems. i'm sorry that i actually cared, and said all those things you wanted to hear. i'm sorry for being a girl who cared so much.

it's love that you want, but not love that you give

you're sorry for what? being an asshole? because you're doing it again.

insult any one of my friends. i don't care who you are, but i'll lose all respect towards you. 
don't waste your tears on someone who won't do the same for you.

you never know how something important is to you until you lose it.

everything does fall apart eventually. and that's when you break down, and cry yourself to sleep for so long. that's when you have the urge to text someone because you want someone to be there for you. that's when you start thinking "fml, i'm better off dead." but honestly, you need to look at the brighter side. there's always good that comes with the bad. things are only falling apart because soon, new things will fall into place, better things that will make you forget about what hurt you. so don't cry baby girl, you'll get over this. it's just a phase in life.

there's always going to be that someone who will always let you down. no matter what. when you least expect it, they'll be there. just watching you fall. they pick you up, just to watch you fall right back down. but when they try to help you up, kick them in the gut and walk the hell away. and get on with your life, because there's better people out there.

stick up for your friends, even if it does involve getting yourself hurt. who cares? if your friends are always there for you, you should do the same for them. no matter what the consequence is.

there are so many bitches in this world. i'm ashamed to even be a part of Earth. let's all move to Mars.

you can talk as much shit on me as you like, but it won't change they way i think or am one bit. why should i care about what someone has to say if they don't even know me? if they can't even say it to my face? obviously, they're talking shit for the joy of it because they have no need to judge me unless they've lived my life. which i'm pretty sure they haven't.

build a bridge. and instead of going over it, i want you to fall through it.


there’s always someone who’s gonna try and ruin your happiness. maybe because they were once happy, but now you have something that meant so much to them. block all that shit out, and remember you’re worth all you have, so don’t let a jealous bitch bring you down.

i feel sorry for any girl that gets you next. not only is she getting sloppy seconds, but he's gonna break her heart as well. it's not a promise. it's the truth. it's complete reality. it's what everyone expects from him. and he'll give his fans what they wants to see. 

stop sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. you're never going to get better if you keep shutting yourself out, along with all those people who care about you. go out with friends, meet new people. it's what you need to start over and be happy again.

i remember telling people that i was never gonna get over the asshole who cheated on me. i remember telling them they were insane to ever think i'd be better off without him. but then i took the first step. i smiled. i faked it at first but then it started to come naturally. that's when i realized i was doing so much better without him. it was still a little hard, it took me months. but i find myself writing this now, months later, and i'm perfectly happy with myself. not having him in my life is so much better and finally being able to say i'm over him and don't love him, and meaning it, it was somewhat worth the pain, because in the end, i learned something.

so many people told me what you were gonna do. what you're intention was. well, you did do what people expected of you. but you did something no one ever thought you would. you apologized. that's when you caught my heart. you felt bad, sorry, and like a total ass for hurting me. but what hurts now is that you're doing it again.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

just wait until summer comes. just the way you wake up in the morning is 10x better than the way you wake up now. just keep counting down to those days when you're finally free, of everything. from drama, from guys, girls. everything. once summer's here i guarantee you, you'll be doing so much better.

p/s: i took this entry from someone blog..and i realize this entry express my feeling..sorry because of  i am not good in english ...